STVV Mediaday

As a content partner, Be A Legend takes care of the yearly mediaday at STVV. Basic portraits as well as more sophisticated portraits that will be used in several contexts. Our team tries to be unique as possible for our customers, year after year. This year a simple approach with a detailed setup, resulting in the coolest portraits, the best poses and the cleanest cutouts resulting in fast photoshops to create even faster content!

Images for every story to tell

When creating, we always bear in mind where the content will be used. Keeping them as high quality as possible so they can be used in almost any format, with multiple purposes. Storytelling at it’s best.

That is why we created on the one side, a more contrasty image whereas the other image is more neutral. Giving the club the option for every player.


Flexible Team pictures

With the carefully selected portraits, a team picture is composed. It gives the flexibility to change the background as desire or when players are transferred (in or out), to easily adapt the picture without the whole team being present. Making the shoot going smooth and fast!

Regular Team picture

Discover all stills and motion of this project