Chaos. Disappointment. Silence.

Every year sportclubs in Limburg give everything to put their region world-famous. This year everything has changed. We woke up in a world where a virus shut down most of the sports for a while. Life is what is dearest, no discussion there. However life continues and in the need of solutions and starting up again competitions

Hope in a new world.

Mouthmasks, disinfecting gels and social distance have proven to be effective. And slowly but surely we saw the infection rate going down. Meaning sports was back on the table, limited however.


Help them, help ourselves.

Our team had the brilliant idea to help as many big teams as we could in Limburg by creating a campaign. We help each other, the big ones help the small ones and vice versa. Everybody wins with shared visibility across social media platforms. Even competitors help each other. No competitor, no derby…

Colours as a guide

In the commercial we worked with as many coloured spotlights that we could in the colours of the team. Creating a colourful and divers video that keeps the attention to all viewers for all teams.

We are all winners!

Discover all stills & motion of this project